
How to choose the most suitable crystal?
12 / 07 / 2023

Many people think that there are many kinds of crystals, and each one is unique,
so they don't know how to choose. The following is a general way to choose
the crystal that suits you.

The first thing, of course, is to choose the effect you want in your mind
and narrow down the scope of your favorite crystals according to their functions.
Then start choosing according to your preferences.

Crystals are spiritual. When you choose them, they also choose you.
The crystal that is suitable for you will send you a message,
and will have a special attraction for you, which is what everyone calls the eye.

Therefore, the eye edge is very important. When you look at a crystal in front of you,
you will feel joyful or impressed after seeing it.
You will have a feeling that it belongs to you. Generally, with this feeling,
it is basically confirmed that it is the right crystal for you.

But if you don't have a strong feeling yet, then you have to rely on contact conditions.
You can try to touch the spar in front of you. On the one hand, try the feeling of contact.
Some people will feel hot, cold or shake the spar. How to choose depends on your preference.
The most important thing is to feel good. In this way,
you can try out how well you are compatible with the crystal energetically,
so that you can make the best choice.


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